Monday, October 4, 2010

わたしのうちへLIRRのでんしゃで いきました。

せんしゅうのどようびわたしはかえりました。ごごはちじかえりました。ちかてつでえきへいきました。でんしゃのなまえは LIRR です。どようびににひゃくきゅうじゅうにえんです (I converted USD -> Yen)。



  1. こんばんは, メイヤソンさん! わたしたちはともだちです so I will be taking this opportunity to ask you questions about your grammar (as well as suggest corrections!) =)

    いち:In your title, you put "でんわ" instead of "でんしゃ" for electric train =)

    に:in "せんしゅうのどようびわたしはかえりました。", would it be the other order? as in: どようびのせんし for the saturday of last week? not really sure about the format for this one...

    さん:you forgot to stick a "かえりました" with a past tense ending! (2nd sentence)

    よん: in the second-to-last sentence with the price, I don't think "どよおび" needs that "に" after it because the sentence is a "です" sentence and there is no action taking place? At least, that's how I understood that rule...Let me know if I'm wrong!

    ご: in your last sentence, you accidentally kept the "わ" instead of the "は" particle =)

    きょう was not a good day for you, huh? Especially with that コンピュウタアのaccident!


    - ゴンザレス

  2. おはよう。 ガフニーです。 I'm from New York and go to Notre Dame in Indiana. Was that the first time you used the LIRR?? Was it hectic? How do you like Columbia?

  3. わたしは your blog nameを すき!

  4. ロング アイランド きました (long island)!Queens is about 30 minutes from my house =]

  5. こんにちは!コロンビア大学のだいがくいんせいです。You are lucky you get to go home often. I wish I could go home more often. I've only ridden the LIRR to the airport, but I like the picture you took!

  6. このしゃしんはわたしのじゃありません。I wish I was that good a photographer lol! あなたのうちはどこですか。
